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Riga Nightlife

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Don't think twice, let's dance until dawn!

City Jazz Club

A new jazz club-restaurant „City Jazz Club” with 130 seats is operating in the centre of Riga. Four evenings a week you are welcome to enjoy a high-quality smooth jazz presented by artists from Latvia and Europe.

Read more: City Jazz Club

Территория С

Частные свинг-вечеринки. Принимают только пары (25 Ls) и одиноких девушек (бесплатно); одиноким мужчинам вход практически закрыт.

На сайте репортажи и фото с вечеринок, международная доска объявлений, форум, материалы о свинге.

Read more: Территория С

Bite’s Blues Club

Bite’s Blues Club (“Bites Blūza Klubs” in Latvian) is by far one of the the only best places in Riga where you can enjoy the highest class jazz and blues music with right atmosphere and acoustics.

Read more: Bite’s Blues Club


NABAKLAB izveidošana nav nejaušs, ārēju vēsturisku apstākļu radīts notikums – tā ir gadu gadiem uzkrātā un veidotā domājoša cilvēka garīgā brieduma rezultāts. Ideja par NABAKLAB nepieciešamību saistāma ar kultūru un izglītību baudījušu cilvēku XXI gadsimta sākumā izteiktajiem aicinājumiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem tiekties pēc zināšanām un kvalitatīvas skaņas - izveidot vērā ņemamu, kvalitatīvu audiāli klabošu klubu. Šie aicinājumi īstenojas 2009. gadā, kad kopsolī vienojas bufete Gauja un Universitātes Radio NABA, uzsākot jauna kluba izveidi.

Read more: Nabaklab


Кальянная Calliano находится в центре Риги на улице Блауманя 25. В нашем ассортименте более 30 видов табака для кальяна! У нас вы можете не только покурить ароматный кальян, но и вкусно поесть.

Read more: Calliano

La Rocca

The club La Rocca is the biggest nightclub in Latvia. When the weekend comes to Riga, Club La Rocca is definitely the place to be seen at! The club’s unique design will take you to a different world filled with beautiful club goers dancing to the latest beats and partying like there’s no tomorrow.

Read more: La Rocca


Throughout the hotel and in the rooms, flourishes of artistic details adorn the walls. A bronze sculpture of a little girl, Monika, stands in the lobby to greet guests whenever they walk in.

Monika Centrum Hotels is equipped with Wi-Fi internet access, in all of the rooms. It is free of charge for our guests. The hotel restaurant Sokrats boasts excellent fine-dining cuisine. It also lays out a sumptuous buffet breakfast.


Hanza Hotel

The stylish 3-star Superior Hanza hotel located in a short walking distance from the Riga Old Town, Central Railway Station, International Bus Station and next door to the Academy of Science.

Housed in a recently renovated hundred years old apartment building it is located in a historical place where merchants from old times were crossing roads, selling goods and having a rest after long trips.

Read more: Hanza Hotel

Dodo Hotel

Dodo Hotels SIA is a privately owned Latvian company founded in 2004. Its aim is to develop the "Dodo Hotel" brand, a new concept of hotels, with a first property opened in Riga in early 2008.

Lowest prices on the market, intelligent design and efficient service are the key features of the DODO HOTEL concept, bringing to Riga a much needed low cost hotel with a 109 rooms property.

Read more: Dodo Hotel

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